its ma world!!

well thanks for cmg to my blog nd hope u enjoy it!

wait for light...its never always darkness

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


samskrutam!!! a devine language! u all wud have seen "namastey london" where there was a 15 min speech on india! in it it is said the words brother and mother come from sanskrit words "bhratr" and "matr" respectively! i lov this language, no reasons though but especially i wud like 2 recommend u guyz to read "chandaha" wich is a part of sanskrit grammar! i noe its borin 2 many ppl but probably it is so because ther are no ezy ways of learning sanskrit! cullicular sanskrit does not xist ann perfection is the only key here! but being an indian i believe we must be proud of our ancestors fer having created such a wonderful way of expressing ourselves!



Nitin M. Shetti said...

Actually, brother and mother come from germanic root which in turn derives from proto-indo-european. Sanskrit and Other languages are siblings in the proto-indo-european family tree.

Raghu... said...

I donnow the brother and mother came from which language. But, I agree that sanskrit is a very beautiful language. Panini Sutrani is just amazing.