its ma world!!

well thanks for cmg to my blog nd hope u enjoy it!

wait for light...its never always darkness

Saturday, September 19, 2009

M.G-my rockstar

well i claim myself to be a patriot. But off late, I'm being eaten away by the western novels or rather im letting myself to be so. No I'm not a racist but just that these only suffice my need for entertainment and add on to the list of the innumerable ways by which I waste time. I decided to wake up to the call of my unheard inner voice(supposedly conscience) and do something to remind myself that I'm an Indian. And what better way to do so than read her history as written by her creator? Yes! I have been reading "the story of my experiments with truth"~ the autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi. Take it from me there is nothing which can thrill you more. The best piece of literature I've ever witnessed. It makes you live his life, walk his steps, accept his ideals yet be yourself! As you shift your eye from word to word, there arises a huge conflict within yourself and at the end~ you stand sculpted with most intricate thoughts and the answer for all your problems "the truth". Irrespective of you being philosophical rational or something you've never thought of, this entralling manuscript is bound to strike the right chords of your minds! I strongly recommend you all to read it. Its surely worth your time.

Monday, February 16, 2009


this is an era wher people can be obsessed with anything - just anything be it movies, hairstyles or even chocolate cream buns. today ppl define the "nerd" as anyone who does not have an obsession. but is this growing trend right?? well most importantly do i have a say agains the horde? as O.HENRY says, today one can speak freely only abt 2 things where his listener dare not attack him in disagreement. One~~his dream and two~~what he heard a parrot say. but anything opposing their "attitude" is considered a sin. people die for their celebrities, suicide if they run out of money 2 recharge their sim cards and even kill others if their taste differs with theirs! so please ppl!! these things are "SO NOT COOL!!".

"yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift thats why its called "present!"
--kung fu panda

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

call me enchanted!!

well call this card trick?? or simply stupefying??? for once, at the least, there is no trick in the magic!


Saturday, January 3, 2009

is {I}ndia free???

i am from karnataka nd basically from south india nd ppl here dont like hindi being imposed on them. but they will sing desi girl wen priyanka chopra dances , cheer wen dhoni hits a six & salute the indian flag on august 15 just like the rest of india!!

a country cannot xist as lines drawn on the map unless it xists as a concept in ppl's minds. ppl will always try to draw more lines and erect more boundaries unless they "feel" the belonging to a country nd that feeling comes from the freedom to differ, which our constitution makers dint feel important to be put in the fundamental freedoms of an indian!!