its ma world!!

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wait for light...its never always darkness

Saturday, September 19, 2009

M.G-my rockstar

well i claim myself to be a patriot. But off late, I'm being eaten away by the western novels or rather im letting myself to be so. No I'm not a racist but just that these only suffice my need for entertainment and add on to the list of the innumerable ways by which I waste time. I decided to wake up to the call of my unheard inner voice(supposedly conscience) and do something to remind myself that I'm an Indian. And what better way to do so than read her history as written by her creator? Yes! I have been reading "the story of my experiments with truth"~ the autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi. Take it from me there is nothing which can thrill you more. The best piece of literature I've ever witnessed. It makes you live his life, walk his steps, accept his ideals yet be yourself! As you shift your eye from word to word, there arises a huge conflict within yourself and at the end~ you stand sculpted with most intricate thoughts and the answer for all your problems "the truth". Irrespective of you being philosophical rational or something you've never thought of, this entralling manuscript is bound to strike the right chords of your minds! I strongly recommend you all to read it. Its surely worth your time.

1 comment:

chetu said...

I read this book a few months back and just loved it.It reminds us that every great person is first and foremost a human.But its sad that people just honour him on Oct 2 without really understanding his great contribution to India and its people.

Chetana B V